Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bill Ford '79 Becomes CEO of Ford Motor Company, 2001

William Clay (Bill) Ford Jr. (born May 3, 1957) is currently the President, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Operating Officer of Ford Motor Company. Ford was born in Detroit, Michigan, the great-grandson of both Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone. His father is William Clay Ford, Sr., and his mother is Martha Parke Firestone. Edsel Ford II, son of Henry Ford II and also a Board member, is Bill's cousin. Bill graduated from Princeton University in 1979, having majored in history and served as president of The Ivy Club. In 1984 he received a Master's degree in Management (M.B.A.) from the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is married to Lisa, and they have four children, all living in Ann Arbor, Michigan. [Source: Wikipedia]